HomeYour relationship with your body

Your relationship with your body

Who we are

This workshop you will discover who you are physically, we will discuss and do some activities to discover your faulty sensory awareness about your body, there will be lots of ah ah’s when you discover things about your body that you just assumed and the assumption was wrong. Don’t worry it will be fun and educational. The workshops are not judgemental, they are a place to learn.

Faulty Sensory Awareness

This workshops topic is faulty sensory awareness; to learn more about your physical awareness I will discuss the major bones and muscles in your body and how they all contribute to how you move, the other aspect to your movement is how you think about your movement.

Your thoughts are the primary instigator in how you walk, run, sit, stand, use things, etc. Sometimes these thoughts get stuck and restrict you in your movements. For instance I had a client who had a painful back for over twenty years, when she was a child after the bike injury she was checked over and had tests done in hospital to discover why the pain persisted, nothing was found. The natural flow of an injury is that your muscles will hold the injured part until healed then the muscles return to normal activities. I her case they didn’t return to normal. Her thoughts didn’t really believe that she was healed and continued to support the injury even though healed twenty years ago. Her pain came from overworking her superficial muscles, these muscles tire and say so by emitting pain. I worked with her for probably no more than twenty minutes and her pain disappeared for the first time in decades. This pain is what can happen when you have faulty sensory awareness.

During this and the other workshops I will work with each attendee for a few minutes with an problem they are carrying. It may be an ache or pain or how they think about a particular personal problem.