mindfulness, present


The groundhog is back this morning, I wake up when the sun rises, absolutely beautiful again, the sun rise is slightly different ever morning, then the most important thing, tea with meditation. Then off to my office to work, a whole 2 metres maybe 4 it depends on which end of the kitchen table I was sitting.
I’m lucky as where I work has had remote working set up for a few years. Read, writing, phone calls, Skype meetings and the day at work is over.

I’m desperate for the closeness of other humans; yes we can all communicate over phones and video but not many have the energetic connection over the wire that happens when your physically near.
I’m craving for that energetic connection!
The evening in the garden, a bit of tv and to bed and the beautiful sun rise wakes me up; it’s Groundhog Day!

Sunrise over the River Severn

What do I do different today to break from the cycle and I can move on from Groundhog Day. I know the answer is patience and being contented whilst we all let the virus run out of steam. 

My plan is to change my mindset and enjoy even more of these wonderful quiet peaceful days so that I can allow myself to discover more of myself. 

Easier said than done, there is work to be done. It takes thought, energy and activity.

Thoughts about being grounded, thoughts about allowing your energy to flow, thoughts about letting worries go. Thoughts about letting your past and future be and thoughts about the present, that’s the here and now be. Thoughts about allowing all the people you know to be friends, I know that my be hard, try to use positive constructive words when people that annoy you in some way come to mind. 

Offer love to everyone!

Offer love to yourself

Set some goals, some short term, some medium term and some long term. Do they align? 👍

Now is a great time to plan and research, even start a course or two in preparation of your longer goal. 

Keep active, it’s so easy to slip into a box set or three, I’ve done it 

I’d love to know how your doing and if your stuck and need some help.

If you need a kickstart, I’m here to help, whilst the pandemic is here, I’m asking for a donation of what you can afford, I’m content with £0 if that’s all you can afford or more if you can.

Do you want to know even more you can always join my mailing list and receive my blogs.